For a while now, I've been puzzled by this fake glasses fad where people wear glasses as a fashion accessory. Judging by the growing numbers of people doing this in my campus, it's safe to say a lot of people have little understanding on the matter at hand.
As a short-sighted individual, watching people pose as visually disabled when they really aren't is rather insulting. For a long time I hid the fact that I had visual problems from my parents just so I wouldn't have to wear glasses. It scared me that I was slowly losing an extremely crucial physical ability.
When I finally got them, around the time this silly craze began, I was glad I could see stuff more clearly. But then I wondered why anyone would want to pose themselves as visually impaired just to look cool. I hate walking around with my new spects and someone approaches me with the usual question "Are those real or shades/fakes?"
Before, the normal question would've been,
"Are you short or long-sighted?"
Will people start wearing hearing aids just for fun now? Or leg-braces? Because it's not new now that people walk around with expensive gold-encrusted walking sticks that they don't even need, with regards to their actual purpose. Nowadays, it's a show of status. What's next? Popping anti-biotics to look sophisticatedly ill?
Sometimes I weigh the options of cutting a friend off for assuming I'd fake my eye problems, or slapping them hard across the face for offending me with the questions they ask concerning my prescription glasses...and for asking to try them on to prove that they are real.
Here's a confession: Sometimes, under my breath, when I see someone walking around with large frames that don't even have lenses in them, I wish that they get to actually need visual aid. Now, I know that may seem extreme but mocking people with actual problems because one intends to fake "geek" calls for it.